Training Day #28
Today is a bike day! The schedule has an easy bike ride for today. It is a HR Zone workout, but I just used it as a normal bike day not pushing to hard. Just getting more comfortable on the bike. Total time for the cycling totaled to around 60 minutes. For this ride, I looked on Strava for some route recommendations since I’m still new to the area. I found a 15.76 mile route that should take me about 60 minutes to compete with an average 15 mph speed.
The overall ride was great! It felt good and I left in the morning to beat the summer heat. See I’m learning my from lessons! I decided to take the route counter clockwise and this was the best decision. There was a few hills, but I seemed to mostly go down the larger hills and climb the smaller ones. I’ll keep this in mind for hill workouts. The only key takeway is the same from my other bike rides. My bike needs to be tuned before my race in October. I reached out to two local bike shops. One had a three month waiting period (larger shop) and the other smaller shop was accepting bikes now for a week turn around. My bike is scheduled to be dropped of around the 10th!!!
Key Takeaways:
- Bike routes matter for workouts!
- Tune your bike! At least every year!!!